Sunday, February 14, 2016

When Mr Sun Sun Isn't Awake

The other morning, a little before 5am I heard the small squeak of our bedroom door being opened. I sighed inwardly. My alarm was set for 5am and I had planned to do my early morning devotions before working out - a little bit of me time before the kids are awake.

Elise, our 3 year old, walked around to my side of the bed. She already knows her dad doesn't wake up, and I sleep very lightly. "Mommy my night time panties are wet" she whispered. "Do you want to take them off?" I said. She nodded yes. We changed her underwear after which she looked at me expectantly, ready to start the day. "Mr Sun isn't awake yet, honey so it isn't time to get up yet. Would you like to go back to your bed and sleep more?" She nodded no. "Would you like to snug with me and daddy for a while?" A quick climb up into bed and under the covers signaled a yes.

Great I thought, now I really can't get up and workout. Two weeks of sickness and early morning wake ups as Elise fought off a cold (waking up coughing and sniffle very early every day) made for a snag in my routine.

I can't say I wasn't annoyed that morning as my alarm went off and then David's alarm went off. He got up and around to go workout before heading into work while  I lay in bed trapped with a 3 year old on top of my arm.

Embracing my imprisonment, I went back to sleep and snuggled in. Elise finally drifted off and rolled away, clutching her favorite "cupcake blanket" and one of her stuffed animals. Being a morning person, my body automatically wakes by a certain time, and so I lay there awhile before venturing out of my room to start my day with a little bit of quiet.

I thought about it, and honestly, that snuggle time in the morning was so sweet and fleeting. She isn't going to crawl into my bed much longer asking to "snug", falling asleep in my arms, secure in the knowledge that mom and dad are there.

I don't know what woke her up to make her come into our room, but I am so thankful for little girl's love and snuggles, even if it meant postponing my workout to later in the day. My workout ultimately  isn't important. Sure, I want to get it in, but I will have a lifetime of workouts if I so choose.
Snuggles with my girl are only going to be around another couple of years, and then awkward 'tween hugs may turn into teenage angst. 

For now, I'll wait for Mr. Sun to wake up and snug with my girl.

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