Monday, February 1, 2016

All Natural Cleaner How To & Review

Hello friends!

I promised a quick post on how to make your own all natural cleaner so here it is!! I've seen this recipe out and about a few times, but I never took the time to make it. Honestly, WHY didn't anyone tell me to do this sooner?! So here's my PSA: Make this today! It took me under 2 minutes - no exaggeration.

Supplies needed:

Spray bottle
White Vinegar (you can get it pre-scented, but I added essential oils so I used plain ol' unscented.)
Your choice of essential oils

Fill your bottle with 1/2 water and 1/2 vinegar. Add essential oils. I did 5 drops of lemon and 25 drops of On Guard. Shake to mix. You're ready to clean!

I picked On Guard & Lemon for my first test run.
On Guard is composed of wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus, and rosemary.
It is an amazing immune support booster! We use it religiously when the sniffles start or when we are in a large public place full of people like the mall, theme park, restaurant, etc. doTERRA makes a lot of things with On Guard in them - toothpaste, detergent, cough drops, etc. 
Lemon is well-known for its cleaning properties, and I love the smell so I added this one in to hide the vinegar smell a bit and add to the cleaning power!

I sprayed a fine mist of this on my floors before mopping, and I swear I finished faster than when I use the steam mop! This is definitely my new go-to! I can't wait to clean more things with it! According to my father-in-law our fridge needs it next, haha. Adding it to my list of deep cleaning things that often get put off for fun things! I plan on hitting that and cleaning out our air vent sometime this week during nap time. Adulting is so fun!

Really though, make yourself some of this cleaner! If you have little babies crawling still, it's SAFE for them to lick the floors! Anyone else have weirdos that liked to do that? Just me? Ben ran across the floors while I was still mopping, and I was relieved that I didn't have to grab him and rinse his little feet off in the middle of my cleaning. 

Thanks for reading along & happy cleaning! Please let me know if you make this cleaner & love it as much as I do!!

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